
330-A地区キャビネット ライオンズクラブ国際協会



「女性の社会貢献について」 ジェシカ・ウェブスター 在日米国大使館 経済・科学担当公使 第61回年次大会記念講演











「我々は皆、初の女性総理、大統領、社長になることはできません。しかし私達は皆、自分の人生に改革をもたらすことはできます。 自分のために立ち上がったり、旦那様にサポートを要求したり、上司にフレキシブルな勤務時間のメリットを説いたり、風邪を引いた子供のいる同僚を助けたりするたびに、私達は自分の周りの世界を変えているのです。そしてこれらの小さな変化は大きな変化へとつながります。この小さな変化は私達に自信を与えてくれ、自分は自分一人よりはるか大きいものの一部であるということを信じる勇気を与えてくれます。

自分たちの努力によって娘たちの成功がより現実的なものとなることを教えてくれます。そして息子たちももっと家族の素晴らしさを体験できるということを教えてくれます。小さな変化は我々が触れるすべての人生に 希望のさざ波を立たせ、そしてその波はその方たちからも更に広がっていきます。私たちのするすべてのことは受け継がれていき、いずれは、私達が知り得ぬ人たちの人生をも変えることとなるでしょう。」

The 61st Annual Conference of Lions Clubs International Association on April 18th, 2015

Jessica Webster
Minister Counselor for Economic and Science Affairs U.S. Embassy Tokyo
Good afternoon Lions and Lionesses, Knights of the Blind, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for inviting me to be here. I would like to extend special appreciation to 330-A District Governor Shiotsuki for his inspiring leadership to increase women’s membership in the Lions Clubs International, Japan.

I also want to thank Mr. Akira Amari, Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization and Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy.  Your role in promoting the Abe Administration’s growth strategy, including women’s advancement and policies to raise the participation of women in government and company leadership, is making a difference in the lives of women in Japan.

The Lions Club is one of the biggest social service groups in the world.  The purpose of the Lions Club, “to create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world,” is especially close to my heart.  This is one of my own personal goals as a diplomat representing the United States of America.

Also, I read with great interest the Lions Club “Project Refresh” released in January 2015.  This report was a statistical analysis of growth patterns of club and membership (11 years of data).  It showed that women members are growing in Lions Clubs:  Worldwide, 75% of Lions clubs have women members and 43% in North America have more than 30% women members (37% of clubs worldwide have more than 30% women members).

Ambassador Kennedy has made women’s empowerment one of the mission priorities for our Embassy in 2015.  She recognizes that “when women succeed, we all succeed.”  President Obama and Prime Minister Abe have both recognized that a modern economy requires full participation of women and men in the workplace.   Over the past year, Ambassador Kennedy and diplomats like me have spoken to countless women and men in various industries about the American experience and what we can share about our experience in advancing social change and diversity, including leadership training, mentoring, childcare, and entrepreneurship.

Our goal for the coming year is to continue “telling the story” of the American experience.  We want to reach professional women, but also men in positions of power, young people, and families. In addition, we continue to look for leaders in women’s empowerment here in Japan to lend them our support and encouragement.

Groups like the Lions Club are so important for women’s empowerment.  Your club is a place where women can find a mentor or talk about a challenge at work.  As you work side by side on your volunteer projects, you are building relationships and developing potential—lessons that will transfer to the work environment.  As you encourage women to take leadership roles in your club, they will gain leadership skills and confidence.

Mrs. Michelle Obama just made her first trip to Japan in March.  She and Japan’s first lady Akie Abe launched an initiative to promote girls’ education in developing countries, “Let Girls Learn.  This is one of the many partnerships between the United States and Japan.  She said in her speech:  . . .Although we have made tremendous strides in girls’ education in the United States and Japan, women in both our countries still struggle to balance the needs of their families with the demands of their careers.

Lions have the answer to this challenge –Lions clubs are places where women and men can work together for a better society.  In this way, you are models for the modern workplace.  I can’t wait to see what you do next.  I would like to share an inspiring quote from Ambassador Kennedy:

“We can’t all be the first female Prime Minister, or President, or CEO, but we can all become architects of change in our own lives. And each time we stand up for ourselves, ask our husbands to help us a little more, convince our bosses that more flexible work hours will lead to better results, or pitch in for  a colleague at work who has a sick child at home, we change the world around us – and those tiny changes add up. They give us the confidence to continue, and the courage to believe that we are part of something larger than ourselves.”

“They give us the knowledge that our efforts will make it easier for our daughters to succeed, and for our sons to experience more of the joys of family life. They send out a ripple of hope which touches every life we touch and is passed on to all the lives they touch in turn. So each act is magnified and over time and across generations we transform the lives of people we will never know.”DSC_0003

ライオンズクラブ国際協会330-A 地区キャビネット事務局
〒169-0074 東京都新宿区北新宿1-36-6 ダイナシティ西新宿1階
TEL 03-5330-3330 FAX 03-5330-3370