
330-A地区キャビネット ライオンズクラブ国際協会



第4号地区ニュース「人工知能特集号」発行 / 330-A Lions News Vol.4: AI Special Edition Released


昨今出現した AI は「インターネット」を超えるインパクトか

第4号地区ニュースは人工知能(Artificial Intelligence:以下AI)の緊急特集号です。


ライオンズクラブのメンバーはいち早くAIについて理解を深め、自分たちの仕事や生活に与える影響の大きさを理解し、ライオンズクラブでの活用方法を考え始める必要があります。 そこで、今号では、AIについて、AIと一緒に考えていきたいと思います。 コンピューターやAIなどのテクノロジーの進歩は、既に人々の生活やビジネスに大きな影響を与えています。このような技術の進化が更に進むと、いずれAIが人類の知性を超えるシンギュラリティ(技術的特異点)が起きると言われています。


ChatGPTインタビュー – AIの能力を評価する

今号では、世界の好奇心を刺激する画期的なAIであるChatGPTへのインタビューを実施しました。ChatGPTと関わることで、その能力を評価し、ライオンズクラブの会員増強や330-A地区の活性化にどのように役立つのか、洞察を得たいと考えています。 この特集が読者の皆様を啓発し、より大きな利益のためにAIを創造的に活用するきっかけになることを願っています。

続きはこちらをご覧ください。→ 第4号地区ニュース

330-A PR広報委員会


Emergency Special Issue:
Exploring the Impact of AI – Unraveling the Present and Future of Our World

The Tokyo Japan District 330-A News Vol.4 (2023.04) brings you an urgent special issue focusing on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the recent advent of “ChatGPT,” a general-purpose conversational AI that attracted 100 million users in just two months, the world has been buzzing with excitement about AI since early 2023. In response, members of the Lions Club must act swiftly to gain an in-depth understanding of AI’s complexities and the profound implications it holds for both their professional and personal lives, and explore ways to integrate AI into their activities.

Section 1: The Emergence of AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The rapid advancements in technology, such as computers and AI, have already left an indelible mark on our lives and businesses. As these technologies continue to evolve, they may eventually lead to the singularity – a point where AI and other technologies surpass human intelligence. Beyond this point, predicting the course of human evolution becomes virtually impossible due to the exponential nature of technological progress.

While the occurrence of singularity remains a contentious issue, the emergence of highly advanced AI in recent times holds the potential to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We might even be in the midst of this revolution without realizing it.

In light of these developments, it is crucial to stay informed about AI and its societal impact, as well as consider how to adapt and leverage this technology effectively. To this end, our special issue delves into the world of AI, examining its potential consequences and how we can harness its power for the betterment of our lives.

Section 2: Interviews with ChatGPT – Evaluating AI’s Abilities

We have also conducted interviews with ChatGPT, the groundbreaking AI that has piqued the world’s curiosity. By engaging with ChatGPT, we hope to assess its capabilities and gain insights into how it can help the Lions Club and its members with membership growth and revitalization of the Tokyo district.

Join us on this fascinating journey as we explore the intricate realm of AI and its potential to reshape our world. It is our hope that this special issue will not only enlighten our readers but also inspire them to think creatively about how AI can be harnessed for the greater good.

Please stay tuned for an intellectually stimulating and thought-provoking experience.

330-A Lions News Vol.4(Japanese Only)

Lions Clubs International × ChatGPT × Stable Diffusion

ライオンズクラブ国際協会330-A 地区キャビネット事務局
〒169-0074 東京都新宿区北新宿1-36-6 ダイナシティ西新宿1階
TEL 03-5330-3330 FAX 03-5330-3370